Transition Mouldings
When professionally installing any hardwood
floor, the selection of coordinating pre-finished mouldings makes
all the difference. Many factors determine which moldings best fit
with a specific floor. Each installation situation is different -
depending on the flooring thickness, tongue-and-groove placement,
flooring type, and the transition being made - so certain mouldings
will be most appropriate.
Below are some of the different moulding shapes
offered by Burroughs Hardwoods and their most common usages:
Quarter round
Quarter round creates a subtle blend between wall base and
hardwood flooring. It can also be installed alone to create
a transition between a hardwood floor and cabinetry.
Available in 8-foot length pieces.
Mount Universal Edge
Used to join wood flooring to
carpeted areas.

Overlap Universal Edge
Used to join wood flooring to
carpeted areas.

T-moldings provide an attractive solution for transitioning
between floor surfaces in adjoining rooms. Ideal for use in
doorways and where floors of approximately the same
thickness meet. Available in 6.5-foot length pieces.

Reducer – Flush
Reducers make a smooth transition between floors of
different heights. Perfect for connecting a hardwood floor
with either a vinyl, tile or low pile carpet floor. Flush
reducers are used for glue or nail-down flooring
installation methods. Available in 6.5-foot length pieces.

Reducer – Overlap
Reducers make a smooth transition between floors of
different heights. Perfect for connecting a hardwood floor
with either a vinyl, tile or low pile carpet floor.
Floating floors require the use of an overlap reducer
profile to allow the floor to expand and contract. Available in 6.5-foot length pieces.

Stair nose- Flush
Stair nosings add a professional, finished look to stairways
with hardwood flooring. They are designed to catch the brunt
of foot traffic abuse while maintaining the overall beauty
of each step. Flush stair nosings are used for glue or
nail-down flooring installation methods. Offered in multiple
sizes for optimal floor-molding fit. Available in 6.5-foot
or 8-foot length pieces, depending on the profile.

Stair nose – Overlap
Stair nosings add a professional, finished look to stairways
with hardwood flooring. They are designed to catch the brunt
of foot traffic abuse while maintaining the overall beauty
of each step. Floating floors
require an overlap stair nose to allow the floor to expand
and contract. Offered in multiple sizes for optimal
floor-molding fit. Available in 6.5-foot or 8-foot length
pieces, depending on the profile.

Baby Threshold
Thresholds are ideal for glue and nail-down floor doorway
applications and when transitioning between floors of
different heights. Appropriate for installation with
hardwood flooring, tile or carpet surfaces. Offered in two
sizes for optimal floor-molding fit. Available in 6.5-foot
length pieces.
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